Weight Gain and Menopause

“I am going through menopause and I can’t seem to lose the weight. What can I take?” We hear this question a lot, and most of us would like to hand over a magic pill that would shed those extra pounds, but this pill doesn’t exist, although certain infomercials might have you believe otherwise. Diet, exercise, genetics and hormones all play roles in weight control. Two of these four can be easily remedied for most people.

Over the years, studies have shown that to lose weight or even maintain weight, women nearing menopause and into menopause need to exercise at least 1 hour per day to maintain weight. So think about how much you are really exercising and take that into consideration.

But what if you have tried diet and exercise, and you are still unable to nudge those pounds off your hips? The following suggestions to the questions of weight loss, menopause and cravings were offered by Margo, one of Village Green's nutritionists, who is a master herbalist, as well as a certified nutritional consultant (CNS).

“We have products that can help with appetite control, hormone balance, and ones that can help support metabolism. Through Village Green, we also have lab tests that you can have to determine your hormone status, neurotransmitters levels, and stress levels. These tests can be helpful in getting to the root cause.

“As far as controlling food cravings, perhaps try a blood sugar balancing formula, such as Pathway Advanced Blood Sugar Support. I suggest taking 1 capsule with each meal. Or, you can simply try chromium – 1 tablet with each meal. It can also be helpful to include more protein, healthy fats, and fiber in and between meals to support blood sugar balance.”

The lab test kits are wonderful tools that use saliva to determine your hormone status. They can test estrogen, testosterone, cortisol and thyroid hormone and the results are sent to the Village Green, where someone will go over the meaning of all the values. Hormones play a role in weight management, and if you have tried everything and still are having difficulty, this may give you some insight as to why. For more information on these test kits, please contact contact us.

Photo from here, with thanks.