Your Quick Guide to Vitamins and Supplements for Mental Health

mental health is important!

Do you know which vitamins and minerals can help support your mental health? Evidence increasingly shows that nutrition plays a huge role, and that nutritional deficiencies can have a substantial negative impact on both your body and your mental health. A good diet is important, as well as supplementation of key nutrients, as needed.

It is helpful to know how to identify a deficiency, what the long-term impacts include, and which supplements you should consider to help keep your mind and body balanced and healthy. Here's some helpful information about vitamins and other nutrients, and their impact on mental status.

What is a Nutritional Deficiency?

A nutritional or vitamin deficiency occurs when you have a shortage of a particular nutrient in your body, usually because you do not take in an adequate amount through your diet. Common signs of vitamin deficiency can include fatigue, brain fog, dry skin, anxiousness, moodiness and depression, to name a few. Supplements may not treat a diagnosed mood disorder on their own, but adding the right ones to your diet may help make a big difference in your mental state.

The 5 Most Common Deficiencies

There are several common nutritional deficiencies seen in patients with mental disorders and other health problems. Addressing deficiencies with nutritional supplements may help support mental well-being.

1. Omega–3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids are important for brain health and cognitive function. A deficiency in this key nutrient can also lead to symptoms like brittle hair and dry skin, but individuals who don't get enough of these fatty acids may also note symptoms of fatigue and sleep disorders. Poor sleep can have a substantial impact on many areas of mental health because when your body is not given adequate time to recharge, it can lead to higher levels of stress and depression. Omega-3s are often found in fatty fish and fish oil, but such fatty acids can also be taken through supplements.

2. B Vitamins

B vitamins – including vitamins B1, B3, B-6 and B-12, and nutrients like folate/folic acid – help support nervous system function. Many people with a B-12 vitamin deficiency struggle with tingling feelings in their hands and feet. Taking vitamin B-12 can also help with fatigue by improving energy levels. Many choose to take B vitamins together in one supplement rather than taking them separately.

3. Vitamin D

People typically obtain vitamin D by spending time outside, because sun exposure on the skin naturally stimulates production in the body. That means many take in less of it during the winter months, as they spend more time indoors to avoid the cold and other inclement weather factors. Adding a vitamin D supplement can help people avoid symptoms of seasonal depression. Some dairy products are fortified with vitamin D, as well.

4. Minerals

Many commonminerals– including calcium, chromium, iodine, iron, lithium, selenium, zinc and magnesium – also impact mental state. Mineral deficiency, or an imbalance, can play a role in decreased overall immunity, lead to poor sleep habits, and cause a sharp increase in instances of major depression. Taking a high-qualitymultivitamin/mineralsupplement can help to avoid deficiencies.

5. The Gut-Brain Link

Recent studies have also delved into the topic of beneficial bacteria and their impact on the gut-brain connection. As it turns out, gut health is directly linked to brain function and optimal health throughout the rest of the body. Imbalances can lead to problems like:

  • Depressed immune function
  • Mental health conditions
  • Focus issues such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
  • Mood fluctuations
  • Sleep disorders
  • Poor digestion

Many health professionals recommend probiotics and other dietary supplements like hydrochloric acid and digestive enzymes to help balance gut health and improve overall digestive function. Poor levels of beneficial bacteria and other gastrointestinal imbalances can lead to problems with digestion and nutrient absorption, negatively impacting overall health.

Taking the right supplements can have a major impact on mental well-being. Getting enough of the right nutrients may be able to help reduce or eliminate symptoms of depression and elevate mood.

7 Common Causes of Nutrient Deficiencies

Nutrient deficiencies can occur for a variety of reasons. Sometimes people assume they have good nutritional habits only to discover they have a deficiency that may be contributing to poor mental function, depression or anxiety. Getting more key nutrients from food sources, as well as adding dietary supplements, can help with deficiencies and improving nutritional status. Here are some of the most common causes of deficiency:

1. Daily Diet

Diets that are high in processed foods and low in nutrients are often linked to depression, so making a shift in your eating patterns can be a great way to help boost your mood. Some people avoid certain healthy foods due to texture difficulties, picky eating, or simply personal preferences, while others may unintentionally limit nutrient content of their foods through:

  • Restrictive diets, including low-carb diets or low protein intake, which can make people deficient in amino acids
  • Vegetarian or vegan diets, which are typically low in B12 vitamins and can lead to symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency
  • Not eating enough fruits and vegetables
  • Low-fat diets

Eating a healthy, balanced diet that includes fruits and vegetables, good sources of protein and essential fatty acids, and limiting processed foods, is a great way to boost mood and decrease your risk of mental health problems

2. Ability to Absorb Nutrients

Your genetics can impact the metabolism of certain vitamins, including vitamins A and D, and folate. Some people cannot process these substances properly, which can lead to vitamin deficiencies. Others may struggle to break down the nutrient forms provided in some supplement brands, typically those of lesser quality, which makes it crucial to choosehigh-quality supplements.

3. Less-Than-Healthy Lifestyle Habits

Both smoking and regular alcohol use can deplete many of the vitamins in the blood. Heavy alcohol users are more likely to have poor nutritional habits, which can lead to imbalances within the body and eventually to mental health disorders like depression.

4. Medications

Some medications naturally deplete nutrient stores in the body. Others may make it difficult for your body to process certain vitamins and minerals. Your healthcare provider or nutritionally-oriented pharmacist may suggest supplements if a prescribed medication is draining your body of certain nutrients.

5. High Levels of Stress

High levels of stress can interfere with your ability to absorb and process vitamins or minerals because your body is running on a "fight or flight" response and may not be able to perform its everyday functioning as well. Depression symptoms may increase alongside stress levels, too, making it essential to findways to calm your mind and body.

6. Chronic Diseases

Some chronic diseases can cause issues with processing nutrients in food. As a result, some patients with chronic diseases may suffer from increased risk of depression and major depressive disorders, or struggle to receive the right treatment for depression symptoms.

7. Pregnancy

Pregnancy increases the demand on the body for certain nutrients. Back-to-back pregnancies can further deplete stores in the body and lead to increased deficiencies, as well as deficiencies in the mother that are passed to the baby. This makes it important for pregnant women to consult with their doctor to ensure their nutrient levels stay where they need to be.

Summing Up

Vitamin and mineral deficiencies can contribute to a host of conditions and lead to significant mental health issues. Taking dietary supplements can help support mental health and well-being, balance your nutritional levels, and improve overall functioning.

If you're looking for high-quality supplements to aid your mental wellness or support your overall health, contact Village Green Apothecary to speak with an expert about supplements and their impact on wellness.

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