Vegan Diet Tops Keto in U.S. News & World Report Diet Ranking

vegan mealIs going vegan to improve your health one of your resolutions for 2020? Good choice! A vegan diet ranked No. 2 for both weight loss and diabetes and No. 4 for heart health in U.S. News & World Report’s annual ranking of 35 diets. But research shows that a vegan diet should have actually ranked No. 1.
People who eat a vegan diet are at lower risk for cancer, heart disease and hypertension than those who follow other dietary patterns, according to a study funded by the National Institutes of Health/ National Cancer Institute. Vegans were also the only group in a healthy weight range. And our own research shows the benefit of a plant-based diet for preventing and reversing diabetes. You can learn more in Everything You Need to Know About Going Vegan, the latest Exam Room podcast, featuring Dr. Sardana, along with Michael Greger, MD, and Physicians Committee president Neal Barnard, MD. What are the worst diets in 2020? Ones low in carbs and loaded with meat, cheese and animal fat: paleo ranked 29, Atkins ranked 32, and keto ranked next to the bottom at 34. New to a vegan diet? Medical Center physician Jasmol Sardana, DO, has answers to commonly asked questions about how to go vegan and why it’s so good for your health. Photo from here, with thanks.