Whether it's for work or pleasure, or because it's the holidays and there is family you haven't seen since last December, sleeping away from your own bed can pose some sleep challenges. Having a regular bedtime routine can help prepare your mind and body for sleep, even in unfamiliar environments.
When you know you’ll be sleeping in a hotel or a friend or relative’s home, pack things that will make it feel like your bed... such as your pillow, an essential oil diffuser and lavender, a small portable fan, or a white noise machine.
Tips for Better Sleep While Traveling
- If you have a long flight or drive to your destination, wear loose, comfortable clothing.
- Don’t watch the on-board movie, listen to music, or use electronics; they’ll all stimulate your brain and prevent you from sleeping.
- Use an eye mask and earplugs and ask the flight attendant not to disturb you with food or drinks if you’re sleeping.
- Sniff a hanky on which you’ve added a drop of pure lavender oil.
- Take a relaxing bath.
- Change into loose-fitting pyjamas.
- Do some gentle stretches or yoga poses.
- Try some deep-breathing exercises: inhale through your nose, letting your abdomen expand fully, then exhale slowly through your nose.
- Try melatonin, especially for time changes. Melatonin is an important hormone normally secreted by the pineal gland in the brain. It is found in every cell of the body and is responsible for regulating circadian rhythms. Optimal levels of melatonin allow us to have restful and restorative sleep. It is especially useful for helping with jet lag. Check with your healthcare practitioner to be sure this is right for you and to get the best dose.
- Try using lavender essential oil in a diffuser or to drop in bath water. It helps promote relaxation.
- Pack an eye mask and earplugs. You never know how loud your fellow guests may be.
- Packing a small humidifier can be a game changer, especially in hotel rooms where air is extra dry.
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