Reduce Cholesterol with Plant Sterols

Nuts and seeds contain plant sterols that are excellent for lowering cholesterol and supporting heart health.

Plants contain compounds that are chemically similar to cholesterol, called plant sterols, which are part of plant cell membranes. The most abundant plant sterol or phytosterol is beta-sitosterol. Plant sterols may look like cholesterol; however, they do not have negative effects on health. In fact, plant sterols have been found to help improve the health of the heart, as well as benefit the prostate and the immune system.

Plant sterols have cholesterol-lowering properties. They appear to inhibit the absorption of dietary cholesterol. Beta-sitosterol inhibits intestinal absorption of cholesterol by competing for the limited space in mixed micelles, which are small fat clusters formed by bile in our gut to ease absorption. In short, plant sterols are able to take the place of cholesterol, preventing it from being absorbed into the intestines from the bloodstream. Then, the displaced cholesterol can be excreted from the body, resulting in reduced cholesterol.

Many studies have reported the efficacy of sterols and their various esters in cholesterol reduction with up to 15% reduction in total cholesterol and LDL (low density lipid, or bad cholesterol). The Food and Drug Administration has actually approved a health claim on phytosterols, which states: “Foods containing at least 0.65 gram per serving of vegetable oil plant sterol esters, eaten twice a day with meals for a daily total intake of at least 1.3 grams, as part of a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol, may reduce the risk of heart disease.”

Sources of Plant Sterols

In order to benefit from plant sterols, you should consume at least 1.3 grams, and some health care professionals even recommend at least 2 grams of plant sterols per day. The best sources of plant sterols are rice bran, brown rice, wheat germ, sesame oil, pistachio nuts, olive oil, cocoa butter oil, almond butter, sesame seeds, macadamia nuts, almonds, walnuts, pecans, cashews, sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds. Other foods with plant sterols include broccoli, cauliflower, red onion, spinach, Brussels sprouts, dill, apples, avocados and blueberries. Consuming a combination of some of these foods in your daily diet should get you to the 2-gram recommended number.

If your diet is not high in the foods listed above, consider a supplement. Pathway Cholesterol Support is a comprehensive formula that contains plant sterols for heart-healthy benefits. Before taking any supplement, consult with your primary healthcare practitioner.