An Important New Organization: The Maryland Society of Integrative Medicine

The Maryland Society of Integrative Medicine supports functional medcine practces in Maryland.

Have you heard of the Maryland Society of Integrative Medicine? MSIM was founded a few years ago to promote the practice of integrative medicine in Maryland. The mission of this new organization is to support a broader vision of quality care through the use of responsible, safe and effective integrative medical practice by physicians, dentists and other healthcare providers, and to enhance the public’s access to such practice in Maryland.

The Maryland Society of Integrative Medicine successfully advocated for The Patient's Access to Integrative Health Care Act of 2020. This new law effectively advances the legal climate of integrative medicine in Maryland, leading to more expansive options and increased availability of studied and safe integrative therapies for patients, including:

  • Promoting a regulatory environment within the state that enhances access for patients to safe and effective integrative medicine.
  • Providing education and networking for health professionals practicing integrative medicine.
  • Providing education to the public regarding integrative medicine practices.
The Maryland Society of Integrative Medicine supports functional medcine practces in Maryland.

With continuing to promote safe and integrative health options for everyone, MSIM's goals for 2022 include:

  • Place a MSIM member on the Maryland Board of Physicians.
  • Provide expert review by integrative medicine practitioners in Maryland Board of Physicians disciplinary cases that involve integrative medicine.
  • Promote a legislative letter to the Maryland Board of Physicians providing guidance on how to approach oversight of integrative medicine.
  • Provide a series of webinars to MSIM integrative medicine practitioner members, potentially for CME credit, on how to align their practice with the new law and minimize legal exposure, and national controversies in integrative medicine law and regulation.
  • Provide a series of webinars to the public on clinical integrative medicine, including gastrointestinal disorders, hormone replacement, and Lyme disease, co-infections and mold (August 20220). A webinar on a Functional Medicine Approach to Acute and Long COVID will be presented this fall (September 2022).

Please visit the MSIM website to see full descriptions of the organization's mission and educational offerings, ways to get involved as a member and/or webinar attendee, webinar schedule with registration links, and other important resources to use as you and your providers navigate your individual journey to optimal wellness.