Histamine Alert!

Don't let springtime allergies turn into histamine blues! Feeling sluggish, headachy, or just plain off during spring? It might not be your typical allergies at play. Histamine intolerance can act up with all that extra pollen floating around, leading to a range of yucky symptoms that can steal your spring sunshine.

Food Fight!

Histamine is a natural chemical found in some foods, and for folks with histamine intolerance, it can be like a sneaky villain triggering allergy-like reactions. Think aged cheeses, fermented foods (like kombucha), alcohol, processed meats, and even some fruits and veggies like bananas, avocados, and eggplants. During pollen season, limiting these sneaky histamine culprits can seriously help you feel more alive.

It's More Than Just Food!

Managing histamine intolerance is a whole-body approach. Supplements like DAO enzymes, quercetin, and vitamin C can be your histamine-busting sidekicks, helping your body break down histamine more effectively. Feeling stressed? Don't forget to de-stress with yoga or meditation because stress can also be a trigger for those histamine woes. Remember, good quality sleep and a healthy gut microbiome (think happy gut bacteria!) are super important for overall well-being and can play a role in regulating histamine levels. But stay away from probiotics and yogurts and fermented foods…they are high in histamine. Yikes!!

Take Charge of Your Spring!

By being mindful of your diet (focusing on fresh fruits and veggies), incorporating helpful supplements, prioritizing stress management, and getting enough sleep, you can be the hero of your own histamine story and reclaim the joy of spring. Stay tuned for future insights on how sulfur content in foods can also impact histamine intolerance!