Beans Versus Beef? Try This Climate Change Food Calculator

beansWhat’s the environmental benefit of eating beans instead of beef daily for a year? Or drinking almond milk instead of cow’s milk? This climate change food calculator shows how eating a plant-based diet can help you reduce your carbon footprint.

The BBC calculator includes the environmental impact – including greenhouse gas emissions and land and water use – of more than 30 animal products, fruits, vegetables, grains, beans and beverages.

According to the calculator, eating 75 grams of beef – a typical fast-food hamburger – for a year contributes greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to driving a car 7,196 miles – that’s crossing the United States about 2.5 times. Compare that to eating 150 grams of beans – about a third of a can – daily for a year, which is equivalent to driving a car 93 miles.

Drinking one glass of cow’s milk a day for a year contributes greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to driving a car 585 miles. Drinking the same amount of almond milk daily for a year is equivalent to driving a car 130 miles.

Of course, choosing plant-based foods instead of animal products also helps fight heart disease, diabetes, certain cancers and other diseases.

The Physicians Committee recently petitioned the White House to recommend policy changes that could help alleviate the climate crisis – and keep people healthy – by cutting animal agriculture and promoting a plant-based diet.

To learn more about the impact of diet on climate change, register today for the Physicians Committee’s Plant-Based Climate Summit on April 1, 2021.

The Plant Based Summit is an online event with world-renowned experts where you can hear about how plant-based foods help fight climate change and improve the environment.

Evidence shows that shifting away from animal agriculture and promoting a plant-based diet can help fight the global climate crisis and promote good health! On April 1, leading scientists, climate change experts, and plant-powered advocates are joining together for the free, virtual Plant-Based Climate Summit. Program host Neal Barnard, MD, will introduce the impact of animal agriculture on human health and the environment, while special guest speakers will address the effects of diet on greenhouse gas emissions, water and air pollution, land use, infectious diseases and more, while providing practical tips and resources that will help you get started on a planet-friendly diet!

Free registration includes:

  • Expert presentations on plant-based diets and climate change
  • Live Q&A with Dr. Neal Barnard, Dr. Joanne Kong, Dr. Michael Greger, and other experts
  • Practical tips and cooking demonstrations that will help you get started on a climate-friendly plant-based diet
  • Bonus recipes, educational resources, and tips from experts.