9 Supplements That May Help With Managing Histamine

Some supplements may help with allergic histamine response.

Itchy eyes, runny nose, headache, congestion, sneezing… I’m sure you know how allergies feel. But have you ever wondered why your body goes into full alert mode when allergies strike? Let's uncover the fascinating world of allergies and how they play out in your immune system.

    1. Encounter the intruder: When you're exposed to allergens like pollen, pet dander, or certain foods, your body detects them as potential threats.
      2. Red alert! Immune response: Your immune system jumps into action, sensing danger. It releases IgE antibodies, which act like searchlights, flagging the allergens for destruction.
        3. The histamine havoc: In response to the immune alarm, histamine is released. This compound triggers a cascade of reactions, leading to allergy symptoms like itching, sneezing, and watery eyes.
          4. Inflammation invasion: Your body amps up inflammation to battle the perceived threat. White blood cells rush to the scene, causing swelling and discomfort.

            5. The Unwelcome Drama: Now you're faced with the not-so-fun symptoms of runny nose, congestion, hives, and even digestive issues – you name it! It's your body's way of trying to protect you from what it believes is harmful.

            Managing Histamine With Natural Remedies

            Say hello to these natural remedies against histamine responses and allergies! These supplements might just become your new favorites.

            1. Quercetin with Bromelain: Quercetin helps stabilize mast cells, reducing histamine release, while bromelain supports digestion and enhances quercetin's effects.

            2. Vitamin C: Boost your immune system and combat histamine with a dose of vitamin C. Its powerful antioxidant properties help reduce inflammation and ease allergy symptoms.

            3. HistDAO: Also known as diamine oxidase, this is an enzyme naturally produced in the body that plays a crucial role in breaking down histamine. The primary function of HistDAO is to metabolize and degrade histamine, which helps maintain proper histamine levels in the body.

            4. Charcoal: Activated charcoal may help absorb excess histamine and toxins, giving you the relief you crave.

            5. XLEAR Nasal Spray: Breathe easy with this natural saline solution that helps clear out irritants and moisturize nasal passages. Your nose will thank you!

            6. Grapefruit Seed Extract: Packed with antioxidants, this extract may help modulate immune responses and reduce histamine levels. A little goes a long way.

            7. Butyric Acid: Butyrate can help reduce histamine release and inhibit airway inflammation or narrowing.

            8. Mastic Gum: For those without tree allergies, mastic gum offers anti-inflammatory benefits and supports digestive health. A potential game-changer in managing allergy symptoms! But it is contraindicated if a tree allergen is present.

            9. B vitamins: Vitamin B6 for instance helps DAO, a histamine-degrading enzyme, to break down histamine. Although B vitamins can be a fantastic support, they might not be suitable for everyone, especially if overmethylation is a concern.

            Always consult with a health practitioner before adding any supplements to your regimen, as they can interact with medications and may not be suitable for everyone.