You can feel the tickle in the back of your throat before the pain kicks in. Sore throats at the very least can be uncomfortable, but they can also be very painful. No one wants to fall prey to a sore throat, which can leave your voice hoarse and make swallowing difficult. Thankfully, for most sore throats, common home remedies can be very helpful at relieving the symptoms.
Ways to Soothe a Sore Throat
Here are helpful at home remedies that you can try to help with sore throats.
1. Saltwater Gargle
Gargling with saltwater is a common home remedy to relieve sore throat pain.. All you need to do is mix 1/2 tsp (2 mL) salt in a glass of warm water. Gargle with this mixture every 3 hours to achieve the best results. Saltwater helps reduce sore throat pain by drawing out fluids from tissue in the throat area. This reduces swelling, which in turn reduces pain.
2. Warm and Cold Fluids
Have something to drink. Warm and cold drinks both help ease a sore throat in different ways. Cold drinks, ice cubes, and popsicles reduce pain by lowering the temperature of the throat’s nerve endings. When you consume a warm drink, on the other hand, salivation increases. This increases lubrication and makes your throat feel better. One study demonstrated that people suffering from the cold or flu experienced immediate relief from symptoms of sore throat, chilliness, tiredness, cough, sneezing, and a runny nose after drinking a hot fruit drink.
3. Rest
Getting rest when you are not feeling well is extremely important. Your body is using its energy to fight off an infection or irritation. If you have a sore throat and want to rest, do so in an elevated position. Try propping yourself up with pillows or using a reclining chair. If you lie flat, you might increase the pressure at the back of your throat, which will not help your sore throat feel better.
4. Honey
Honey has been valued for centuries for its antibacterial properties and is one of the most popular sore throat remedies. Honey is thought to relieve pain because its antibacterial properties reduce inflammation, kill bacteria, and support wound healing. Make a soothing drink by stirring 2 Tbsp (30 mL) honey into a cup of tea or warm water. Have this a few times a day, as needed. Keep in mind that honey should not to be given to infants under one year of age.
5. Chicken Soup
Chicken soup really can help with your sore throat or cold. Like a warm drink, chicken soup can break up the mucus in your throat to help ease your discomfort. It will also help to keep you hydrated. Chicken soup can be a good source of nutrients too, which is helpful when you’re not feeling well.
6. Tea
Many herbal teas offer anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, which help in soothing and healing a sore throat. There are a number of teats that you can choose from to help reduce sore throat irritation. If you are in pain, peppermint tea can help numb your throat. If your voice is hoarse, chamomile tea can help lubricate your throat. Raspberry tea is another good choice for reducing pain and inflammation. If you like spicier flavors, try cinnamon tea. Cinnamon has many health benefits, including easing sore throat pain.
7. Humidity and Steam
The air in your home can be dryer in fall and winter due to indoor heating. Dry air can cause congestion, dry skin, a dry nose, itchy eyes and throat irritation. One way to ease and help lubricate your sore throat is to have a warm shower. The steam from your shower can help with lubrication and loosen mucus in your throat and sinuses. You can add moisture to the air in your home by using a vaporizer or humidifier.
8. Supplements
When you feel a sore throat coming on, you may want to stock up on zinc. Studies show that zinc lozenges can help you kick a cold faster, including shortening the severity and duration of symptoms like sore throat. For best results, take zinc supplements within 24 hours of the onset of cold symptoms. Throat sprays can also help relief throat pain
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