Chronic Sinusitis
Identifying the root cause(s) of your sinus symptoms is a critical part of successful treatment. Because the majority of chronic sinusitis is caused by fungal overgrowth. One thing you can begin to do is reinforce your immunity and block histamines from causing more inflammation which can exacerbate allergies. Below are Dr. Ivker’s daily supplement recommendations to consider, if you are a chronic sinus sufferer.
The Foundation
Start with a good foundational multivitamin.

Core Supplements
In addition to your multivitamin, add these supportive nutrients.

Daily Allergy Immunity
An effective combination to stop histamine response and have an allergy-free season.

Stopping Mucus Production
There are numerous reasons for mucus production, including: colds or sinus infections, candida overgrowth, food allergies, or airborne allergies. While each of these causes may have a different target treatment, the following two products help address mucus production:

To explore the root cause of your chronic sinusitis, take the Candida Quiz ►.
Or call Sinus Survival (800) 869-9159 EXT. 4171 to learn how to relieve your sinus suffering.