Superior Source

Vitamin K-1 100 mcg (as Phytonadione)
Vitamin K is a name given to a group of fat-soluble vitamins. They are considered essential co-factors in humans for the production of several proteins that are involved in coagulation homeostasis and calcium homeostasis. The original term vitamin “K” comes from the K in the Germanic word Koagulation meaning the ability to clot blood or prevent hemorrhage. The first one discovered was Phylloquinone or K1, which plays an important role in blood clotting and bone metabolism. Vitamin K1 is found in green leafy vegetables, and helps bones absorb and store calcium.

Women’s B Complex with B-12 1,000 mcg
Our Instant Dissolve MicroLingual Tablets go to work fast, under the tongue. Women’s B-Complex with Extra B-12 and Folic Acid is formulated to provide the nutrients that support a woman’s optimal health. Folic Acid promotes the production and maintenance of new cells and supports nervous system health, energy metabolism, and healthy heart function.

Zinc Plus Vitamin C and Elderberry
Zinc is an essential mineral required by more than 300 enzymes for the support of multiple systems and functions in the human body. In addition, studies have indicated that zinc promotes recovery from the common cold and related symptoms. Our Zinc Lozenjets are formulated with vitamin C and Elderberry as added protection for your health. Try this special formulation in our Zinc Plus.
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